Diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI endoscopy to diagnose conditions such as ulcers or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and treat conditions such as bleeding ulcers, a blockage in the oesophagus, non-cancerous growths (polyps) or small cancerous tumours.

A colonoscopy can be used to look for colon polyps or bowel cancer and to help diagnose causes for symptoms such as unexplained diarrhoea, abdominal pain or blood in the stool. Early cancers and polyps can be removed at the same time.

This is a purely therapeutic procedure aimed at removing common bile duct stones, assessment and treatment of narrowing (strictures) of common bile duct, treatment of bile leak due to injury at the time of surgery or otherwise and pancreatic duct endotherapy

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
EUS provides detailed images of the pancreas and surrounding tissues including the liver, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. It can be used in ruling in/out small stones of gall bladder and bile duct which may not be visible on other forms of imaging (Ultrasound scan, CT or MRI). It can also allow sampling at the same time of any abnormal tissue seen at the time of the procedure.

Interventional Procedures
Oesophagus: Oesophageal variceal band ligation, stricture dilatation, stricture stenting, radio-frequency ablation (RFA) of Barrett’s oesophagus
Stomach: Gastric variceal injection, polyp removal, pyloric stent insertion, PEG insertion, treatment of bleeding ulcers, Argon plasma coagulation (APC) for small bleeding points in stomach known as angioectasias
Duodenum: Treatment of bleeding duodenal ulcers, duodenal stent insertion, NJ tube placement for feeding, PEG tube with jejunal extension placement, ampullectomy
ERCP: Treatment of common bile duct stones, bile duct stent insertion (plastic and metal), cholangioscopy and pancreatic endotherapy
Colonoscopy: Colonic polyp removal, colonic stent insertion, bowel cancer screening and treatment of acute colonic bleeding